Update April 2023
I'm not even sure any folks visit my website these days with Facebook and all but just in case I thought I'd update my news section. Mind you, this is somewhat ironic considering I don't really have any news as such.
Having said that, I am going to try my best to get a few new songs recorded and released once I clear up some projects and obligations that have been keeping me busy. I'm also playing gigs when they come my way but I don't beat the proverbial pavement for work much these days.
I still enjoy playing live especially the trio gig at The Beer Shack. It would be awesome to find a few more band gigs so perhaps I'll do a 'little' digging for gigs. I hope everyone is doing OK. This world has sure become a complex mess but thank goodness we have nature, animals, dear friends and precious family.
That's the real good stuff. - Peace & Love - Neil ☮️💙
Back At It - Fingers Crossed
I've been playing a few gigs lately and have started posting them here on my website instead of just my Facebook Music Page and my personal FB profile, which many of you follow.
As a result of the ongoing pandemic it's all a moving target these days so here's hoping the gigs keep coming.
If something changes and a gig gets cancelled I will post it on my Gigs page and on Facebook as soon as I know.
I hope you are all staying safe and making choices for the good of all so we can get through this as soon as possible.
I'm definitely 'Tired of the Covid'. This is the title of a song I wrote a few months back and was looking forward do recording it
but life got very busy for me and then once Covid restrictions were eased and things started opening up again I figured the song wasn't all that relevant
anymore. But, sadly, it seems it will be relevant for quite some time yet so once we get through a bit more reno stuff I will try and get
this sucker recorded and posted. Love & Peace to you all. - Neil
Mask Face
Control/Click the link to download or click link to play. The 720 version loads pretty quick and seems to play without audio delay. The 1080 version will play fine as well but it just takes longer to load.
Mask Face Video 1080p
Mask Face Video 720p
It's been a major journey producing the video for Mask Face and there may have been a few curse words aimed at technology along the way but I'm pretty happy with the way it turned out. I know I still have a a lot to learn, including the best format for videos that will ultimately be streamed on Facebook, YouTube or other services. Having said that, streaming is not a perfect technology, especially for the common folks who don't get the benefits major clients receive. I worked many days and hours making sure the guitar playing and foot tapping were in perfect time to the music, or as close as possible but unfortunately, with streaming and a plethora of internet bandwidth issues there can be audio/video drifting which results in the guitar and foot tapping being out of time, which drives me crazy. So, I have posted a link here to a 1080p version as well as a 720p version which you can download. If you play the video natively instead of streaming it will be in 'near' perfect sync with no drifting and the overall quality is much better. It would still be great though if you can participate on my Facebook personal profile, my FB Music Page, YouTube and any other social media sites I post the video on to help me get a buzz going. Speaking of YouTube - if you can please subscribe to my page you will help me work toward being able to monetize my YouTube channel. I’m a long ways off. I need 1,000 subscribers and only have 37 at this point. Thank you so much for all your help. I’m looking forward to playing some live music on the flip side of this crazy pandemic. Love & Peace to you all. - Neil
The Current Crisis
Until further notice, all my gigs have been cancelled. I will miss playing for you folks and I'll miss the income but now is the time for us all to focus on doing the right thing and get through this dark tunnel.
Please take the recommendations of the experts and be part of the solution and not the problem. The severity of this crisis IS REAL. Letâs not end our civilization this way. See you on the other side. Love & Peace to you all. - Neil
The Transition
It's been quite the challenge transitioning to life back in White Rock. We miss Jasper in so many ways and the downsizing to our new digs has been a major undertaking, so we are still have a long ways to go to settle in.
Having said all that, it has been wonderful to see our dear friends and family here on the coast as itâs been quite some time since weâve connected in person.
Iâve been playing a few gigs since Iâve been back and am very grateful to Brent Gray and the folks at the WAG and Vault for giving me some gigs.
Itâs been great to get back into the old circuit. A big thank you as well to Ranj Singh for getting me into the Paddlewheeler Pub in New Westminster.
Itâs a traditional style pub on the river at the Quay.
Once we are settled in and finshed with most of our renos Iâm planning on producing some shows with the band which would be a blast for me because Iâve been playing primarily solo the last couple of years and I really enjoy rocking it out a bit more with some felow musicians.
Well, gotta go. Just wanted to post something a bit more current although I do realize no one likely reads this anyway but, hey, ya still gotta keep on it, just in case. Peace to whomever may pop by my site. - Neil
Farewell Jasper, Hello White Rock

I started my gig here at the Fairmont Jasper Park Lodge January 7, 2017 and it has certainly been an adventure. Jasper is absolutely magical. Living here is like getting a giant hug every day from all the gorgeous mountains. Although my wife, Julia, and I had to deal with some major logistics to make this happen, Iâm happy we made the choice to move here for a couple of years. I will forever cherish our Jasper memories and will miss the pristine winter air, all the amazing nature, the slower pace of life and our special mountain friends. Iâve met and worked with so many wonderful folks here and am so grateful for how well Iâve been treated.
Musically â itâs a lot of playing. Depending on the time of year, itâs either 5 or 6 nights a week plus some extra gigs along the way. A lot of folks donât realize how much physical energy it takes to perform music, especially singing, so I admit it will be nice to slow down a bit, although Iâm not thrilled about the loss of income.
Although it is essentially a restaurant/lounge gig itâs somewhat unique compared to similar venues Iâve played over the years. The Great Hall, where I play, is a very large area and the room itself sounds warm and full. Thereâs a mix of traditional dining tables as well as big comfy chairs and couches with a big fireplace. There is also a more formal dining area which has partial sight-lines to the stage. Although there are occasional exceptions, itâs amazing how much goes on here and how busy it is even when the weather is not travel friendly. And, in the summertime it is a proverbial zoo.
I did start writing some new material when I first moved here but never quite finished anything, and once Julia moved here the logistics of living in a very small apartment made it pretty tough to record. But, I have lots of cool ideas Iâve saved which I plan to work on when we return to the coast in early April, 2019.
The transition back to White Rock will definitely take some adjusting. I know weâll miss our cool mountain digs and the lifestyle here but we love the ocean as well and are looking forward to being close to our family and lifelong friends.
I was hoping to continue at JPL on a part-time basis, so we could have a home in the mountains and a home by the ocean, and still make a decent living, but that idea went out the window when the new GM came on board. Such is life it seems.
Iâm still pondering exactly what Iâll do when we get back to White Rock, but for now I have one gig booked, which is at the Vault, April 26/27, start time 8:30pm. For those not familiar with The Vault, itâs in Cloverdale and is a sister restaurant to the Washington Avenue Grill, which is in White Rock and one of our favorite haunts. Iâm hoping I can get a few gigs at the WAG as well and will let yaâll know if and when that happens.
The Vault is located at 5764 176 Street and the phone number is (604) 576-4243.
Well, thatâs it for a long overdue update. Wishing you all health, peace and love.
Neil Harnett (AKA Jasper James)

Posted on 12 February 2019 | 3:10 pm
Email Neil at: neil@neilharnett.com
I'm definitely 'Tired of the Covid'. This is the title of a song I wrote a few months back and was looking forward do recording it but life got very busy for me and then once Covid restrictions were eased and things started opening up again I figured the song wasn't all that relevant anymore. But, sadly, it seems it will be relevant for quite some time yet so once we get through a bit more reno stuff I will try and get this sucker recorded and posted. Love & Peace to you all. - Neil
Mask Face
Control/Click the link to download or click link to play. The 720 version loads pretty quick and seems to play without audio delay. The 1080 version will play fine as well but it just takes longer to load.
Mask Face Video 1080p
Mask Face Video 720p
It's been a major journey producing the video for Mask Face and there may have been a few curse words aimed at technology along the way but I'm pretty happy with the way it turned out. I know I still have a a lot to learn, including the best format for videos that will ultimately be streamed on Facebook, YouTube or other services. Having said that, streaming is not a perfect technology, especially for the common folks who don't get the benefits major clients receive. I worked many days and hours making sure the guitar playing and foot tapping were in perfect time to the music, or as close as possible but unfortunately, with streaming and a plethora of internet bandwidth issues there can be audio/video drifting which results in the guitar and foot tapping being out of time, which drives me crazy. So, I have posted a link here to a 1080p version as well as a 720p version which you can download. If you play the video natively instead of streaming it will be in 'near' perfect sync with no drifting and the overall quality is much better. It would still be great though if you can participate on my Facebook personal profile, my FB Music Page, YouTube and any other social media sites I post the video on to help me get a buzz going. Speaking of YouTube - if you can please subscribe to my page you will help me work toward being able to monetize my YouTube channel. I’m a long ways off. I need 1,000 subscribers and only have 37 at this point. Thank you so much for all your help. I’m looking forward to playing some live music on the flip side of this crazy pandemic. Love & Peace to you all. - Neil
The Current Crisis
Until further notice, all my gigs have been cancelled. I will miss playing for you folks and I'll miss the income but now is the time for us all to focus on doing the right thing and get through this dark tunnel.
Please take the recommendations of the experts and be part of the solution and not the problem. The severity of this crisis IS REAL. Letâs not end our civilization this way. See you on the other side. Love & Peace to you all. - Neil
The Transition
It's been quite the challenge transitioning to life back in White Rock. We miss Jasper in so many ways and the downsizing to our new digs has been a major undertaking, so we are still have a long ways to go to settle in.
Having said all that, it has been wonderful to see our dear friends and family here on the coast as itâs been quite some time since weâve connected in person.
Iâve been playing a few gigs since Iâve been back and am very grateful to Brent Gray and the folks at the WAG and Vault for giving me some gigs.
Itâs been great to get back into the old circuit. A big thank you as well to Ranj Singh for getting me into the Paddlewheeler Pub in New Westminster.
Itâs a traditional style pub on the river at the Quay.
Once we are settled in and finshed with most of our renos Iâm planning on producing some shows with the band which would be a blast for me because Iâve been playing primarily solo the last couple of years and I really enjoy rocking it out a bit more with some felow musicians.
Well, gotta go. Just wanted to post something a bit more current although I do realize no one likely reads this anyway but, hey, ya still gotta keep on it, just in case. Peace to whomever may pop by my site. - Neil
Farewell Jasper, Hello White Rock

I started my gig here at the Fairmont Jasper Park Lodge January 7, 2017 and it has certainly been an adventure. Jasper is absolutely magical. Living here is like getting a giant hug every day from all the gorgeous mountains. Although my wife, Julia, and I had to deal with some major logistics to make this happen, Iâm happy we made the choice to move here for a couple of years. I will forever cherish our Jasper memories and will miss the pristine winter air, all the amazing nature, the slower pace of life and our special mountain friends. Iâve met and worked with so many wonderful folks here and am so grateful for how well Iâve been treated.
Musically â itâs a lot of playing. Depending on the time of year, itâs either 5 or 6 nights a week plus some extra gigs along the way. A lot of folks donât realize how much physical energy it takes to perform music, especially singing, so I admit it will be nice to slow down a bit, although Iâm not thrilled about the loss of income.
Although it is essentially a restaurant/lounge gig itâs somewhat unique compared to similar venues Iâve played over the years. The Great Hall, where I play, is a very large area and the room itself sounds warm and full. Thereâs a mix of traditional dining tables as well as big comfy chairs and couches with a big fireplace. There is also a more formal dining area which has partial sight-lines to the stage. Although there are occasional exceptions, itâs amazing how much goes on here and how busy it is even when the weather is not travel friendly. And, in the summertime it is a proverbial zoo.
I did start writing some new material when I first moved here but never quite finished anything, and once Julia moved here the logistics of living in a very small apartment made it pretty tough to record. But, I have lots of cool ideas Iâve saved which I plan to work on when we return to the coast in early April, 2019.
The transition back to White Rock will definitely take some adjusting. I know weâll miss our cool mountain digs and the lifestyle here but we love the ocean as well and are looking forward to being close to our family and lifelong friends.
I was hoping to continue at JPL on a part-time basis, so we could have a home in the mountains and a home by the ocean, and still make a decent living, but that idea went out the window when the new GM came on board. Such is life it seems.
Iâm still pondering exactly what Iâll do when we get back to White Rock, but for now I have one gig booked, which is at the Vault, April 26/27, start time 8:30pm. For those not familiar with The Vault, itâs in Cloverdale and is a sister restaurant to the Washington Avenue Grill, which is in White Rock and one of our favorite haunts. Iâm hoping I can get a few gigs at the WAG as well and will let yaâll know if and when that happens.
The Vault is located at 5764 176 Street and the phone number is (604) 576-4243.
Well, thatâs it for a long overdue update. Wishing you all health, peace and love.
Neil Harnett (AKA Jasper James)

Posted on 12 February 2019 | 3:10 pm
Email Neil at: neil@neilharnett.com
The Transition
It's been quite the challenge transitioning to life back in White Rock. We miss Jasper in so many ways and the downsizing to our new digs has been a major undertaking, so we are still have a long ways to go to settle in. Having said all that, it has been wonderful to see our dear friends and family here on the coast as itâs been quite some time since weâve connected in person.
Iâve been playing a few gigs since Iâve been back and am very grateful to Brent Gray and the folks at the WAG and Vault for giving me some gigs. Itâs been great to get back into the old circuit. A big thank you as well to Ranj Singh for getting me into the Paddlewheeler Pub in New Westminster. Itâs a traditional style pub on the river at the Quay.Once we are settled in and finshed with most of our renos Iâm planning on producing some shows with the band which would be a blast for me because Iâve been playing primarily solo the last couple of years and I really enjoy rocking it out a bit more with some felow musicians.
Well, gotta go. Just wanted to post something a bit more current although I do realize no one likely reads this anyway but, hey, ya still gotta keep on it, just in case. Peace to whomever may pop by my site. - Neil
Farewell Jasper, Hello White Rock
I started my gig here at the Fairmont Jasper Park Lodge January 7, 2017 and it has certainly been an adventure. Jasper is absolutely magical. Living here is like getting a giant hug every day from all the gorgeous mountains. Although my wife, Julia, and I had to deal with some major logistics to make this happen, Iâm happy we made the choice to move here for a couple of years. I will forever cherish our Jasper memories and will miss the pristine winter air, all the amazing nature, the slower pace of life and our special mountain friends. Iâve met and worked with so many wonderful folks here and am so grateful for how well Iâve been treated.
Musically â itâs a lot of playing. Depending on the time of year, itâs either 5 or 6 nights a week plus some extra gigs along the way. A lot of folks donât realize how much physical energy it takes to perform music, especially singing, so I admit it will be nice to slow down a bit, although Iâm not thrilled about the loss of income.
Although it is essentially a restaurant/lounge gig itâs somewhat unique compared to similar venues Iâve played over the years. The Great Hall, where I play, is a very large area and the room itself sounds warm and full. Thereâs a mix of traditional dining tables as well as big comfy chairs and couches with a big fireplace. There is also a more formal dining area which has partial sight-lines to the stage. Although there are occasional exceptions, itâs amazing how much goes on here and how busy it is even when the weather is not travel friendly. And, in the summertime it is a proverbial zoo.
I did start writing some new material when I first moved here but never quite finished anything, and once Julia moved here the logistics of living in a very small apartment made it pretty tough to record. But, I have lots of cool ideas Iâve saved which I plan to work on when we return to the coast in early April, 2019.
The transition back to White Rock will definitely take some adjusting. I know weâll miss our cool mountain digs and the lifestyle here but we love the ocean as well and are looking forward to being close to our family and lifelong friends.
I was hoping to continue at JPL on a part-time basis, so we could have a home in the mountains and a home by the ocean, and still make a decent living, but that idea went out the window when the new GM came on board. Such is life it seems.
Iâm still pondering exactly what Iâll do when we get back to White Rock, but for now I have one gig booked, which is at the Vault, April 26/27, start time 8:30pm. For those not familiar with The Vault, itâs in Cloverdale and is a sister restaurant to the Washington Avenue Grill, which is in White Rock and one of our favorite haunts. Iâm hoping I can get a few gigs at the WAG as well and will let yaâll know if and when that happens.
The Vault is located at 5764 176 Street and the phone number is (604) 576-4243.
Well, thatâs it for a long overdue update. Wishing you all health, peace and love.
Neil Harnett (AKA Jasper James)
Posted on 12 February 2019 | 3:10 pm
Email Neil at: neil@neilharnett.com